Saturday, June 19, 2010

goalie4r/lshooter - NSA

Otherwise fulfilled, thirty something tourist on vaca in the Vineyard looking for hard shooting, rifleman to bring the heat on a local field. HS or college playa - no preference. Looking for finishers. I have been fooled before by trannies with terrible sticks.

You won't be disappointed.

On the island for the next 8 days

Location: Edgartown, MV

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Friday, June 18, 2010

Twenty Minute Workout

Only three weeks before the first face-off in Manchester. I'm must admit I have been feeling great. After my trip to Toronto I have spent some amazing time with the girls, partied with my wife and continued to dominate Monday night old timers lacrosse...'keeper had my number last week, transitioned to a feeder and ended up with 8 apples - all behind the back passes.

Training is going awesome. Running, lifting and getting in the goal - at least two of the three every day. I'm feeling strong and quick - all relative of course, but I'm giving it my best. I have actually pulled some old VHS tapes of the Twenty Minute Workout aerobics program. Killing my cardio. PX90 has nothing on these ladies in leg warmers.

I have cleaned up head since the last post and actually started the "much discussed" chemo last night. Lifted and took shots this morning without problem. I won't really feel it until Sunday.

Speaking of chemo. Everyone is always asking me what it feel likes. Watch the clip about 40 seconds you will get an idea.

Cracked Cup

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Peameal on a Bun...with Cheddar

Lets skip to the highlight of last weekend. I was in T.O. for the Nationals game on Saturday night. I had a 9:30 AM return flight to Philly on Sunday morning. After a late night at Hemingway's with Bevster, the Merrill brothers and a sleepy Willy, I returned to the hotel and requested a 6:30 AM wake-up call. I was in the lobby by 7:00 AM and grabbed a cab from the Sheraton and headed down to the Kensington Market to collect my prize. I was running a little late and asked the cabby to keep the meter running. Nothing better than a peameal bacon and cheddar on a bun. Lots of options at the market and I hit my personal favourite, the Carousel Bakery. Grabbed a large Sealtest chocolate milk and jumped back in the cab. So good!

Needless to say, the trip to Toronto was a success. I arrived to the stadium on Saturday in time for shoot-around. I jumped in the goal and coach Huntley opened up with 4 rounds of what I like to call the Six Nations warm-up. Twenty players in the semi-circle wiring balls at the goalie. The team showed mercy, but even at 3/4 speed it was great to face shots from guys who are playing at the pro level. My hands felt quick and my footwork wasn't bad. Somehow Snider slipped one by me...still work to be done! I was gassed after praccy. Have I mentioned cardio in my previous posts? Well, I actually started on Tuesday.

I flew down to Duke on Monday morning for a vaccine treatment. I requested to meet with my doctor to re-visit the idea of going off Temodar(chemo) for two months to accommodate my participation in the World Games. The original plan was to take June off to avoid the break in my training when I roll up into the fetal position for 5 days. Then I would have to skip July, as it falls right in the middle of the tournament.

I started to second guess myself about a month ago. Was I being stupid - jeopardizing my life to play in what will be my fourth World Games? There is no way to know why I'm staying ahead of the tumor and maybe the Temodar is reason we are defying the can understand my dilemma. And the truth is that isn't even a dilemma, because my only goal in this battle is to be here for my girls and lacrosse means nothing compared to that. Sorry to turn this into Brian's Song on you.

Anyway, Dr. Reardon and I had a great conversation and we decided to do a round of chemo this month, but dial it back to a normal dose. My protocol calls for a double dose each month - as I've shown a tolerance for the chemo(all that peameal bacon and chocolate milk!), but a normal does will limit my down time, allow me to recover quicker and calm my anxiety about a break. Its difficult to get a good read on doctors who deal with brain tumors and brain cancer because they are always juggling this "quality of life vs. treatment" question. I understand that most of their patients only have a limited amount of time left, and a trip to Manchester to play lacrosse would be a nice way to scratch something off the bucket list...but thats not my situation. I'm going to be a 1% that beats it. I'm confident the doctors and I are on the same page.

So, with the treatment plan set it is back to real life. I have hit the track the last two days. We finished our last session of Little Laxers last night and set a date for a camp for the same age group in August. I was hoping to see some rubber today, but it just starting raining.

Anyone for a Ceaser?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Where have you gone Miles General?

Finished up a brutal round off chemo last week. So much for the new plan. Felt great through the weekend, but hit the wall on Monday. I was in bed until Thursday - I couldn't shake the feelings of nausea and fatigue.

It was great to see my mom and Dustin, who came down for the first weekend of chemo. We all hit the quarterfinal games at Princeton and enjoyed a little Hoagie Haven.

Fast forward...

The long weekend was great. Summary: The Zullas came to dinner Friday night, Saturday in Philly for a birthday party with the Munsterteigers, Sunday at the pool, followed by a BBQ at Prettybrook and finished up yesterday with a parade in Pennington, more pool time and dinner with Bro's family. Busy, but fun.

Between hot dogs and weenie benders, I squeezed in about 12 lax games on TV. It was amazing how the games with Quint Kessinich doing the color bring on nausea and fatigue...the guy is broadcasting chemo! Since I'm in my "negative place" - does anyone care that a hirsute fella can shoot the ball 111 mph? Enough with the commercials. I saw Miles General clocked at a Jr. A All-Star game shoot the ball 122 mph - with a Logan. Red Bull needs to look him up.

Felt for the 'hoos on Saturday. They played hard and were in it at the end. Obviously there is no way to know what their guys are experiencing, and I was proud of how they battled. It is an honor to have played in that program and for Dom.

Busy week - Avastin treatment today, Little Laxers tonight, gym and shooting all week and a cameo appearance with the Nationals on Saturday night...word up!

Stevie, Dust, CS and Mom

Does Warrior makes this model cup??